Psychoneuroimmunology: understanding the relationship between mind and body
This course is given online. It includes 15 hours of course content.
Instructors: Dr. Martin Drapeau, psychologist (drapeau@medipsy.ca) and Dr. Annett Korner, psychologist (annett.korner@mcgill.ca).
Prerequisites: In order to register for and complete this course, participants need to be a licensed professional, or need to have completed or be in the process of completing a bachelor’s degree in human relations (for example, psychology, counselling, nursing, occupational therapy, social work/MFT, guidance counselling, psychoeducation, or related disciplines).
This course was originally designed for professionals wishing to meet the requirements of Bill 21 to practice as psychotherapists in Quebec. Bill 21 requires 45 hours of training on the link between biology and psychotherapy. These 45 hours must address:
- the link between mind and body
- the nervous system and anatomy
- medication
This 15-hour course focuses exclusively on the first point, the link between mind and body. If you need to complete training on the link between mind and body to become a psychotherapist as per Bill 21, this course is for you! The Order of Psychologists of Quebec has reviewed the course outline and approved this course.
If, however you are not working toward your psychotherapy permit, if you are for example already in practice, you will still benefit from taking this course. If you plan to have it count toward continuing education credits, you should however contact your regulatory body and see what their requirements are.
The course will cover the following themes:
- Fundamental concepts in health and medical psychology, psychoimmunology, and in psychosomatic medicine and the relationship between mind and body; overview of models of health and illness, including of the biopsychosocial model of health.
- Psychological reactions to physical illness and psychosocial aspects affecting medical diseases: how medical illness affects psychological health; how emotions, thoughts, and behaviour affect physical illness; acute and chronic illness (heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, arthritis); pain; life-threatening illnesses such as cancer; health compromising behaviours
- Stress: physiological stress axis and the sympathetic and parasympathetic system; stress versus relaxation; acute, chronic stress; physical symptoms of stress, cortisol, stress reactivity, acute stress paradigm, distress tolerance, after stress effects, vulnerability factors of stress, coping with stress, stress management; moderators of the experience of stress
- Sleep: sleep physiology; circadian clock; functions of sleep: restoration, memory processing, dreaming; sleep disorders; mental disorders affected by/affecting sleep; effect of food and drugs on sleep
- Symptoms that are common to somatic and psychological disorders: introduction.
- Physiological symptoms in common mental disorders (e.g., depression, eating disorders)
- Mental disorders and psychological symptoms caused by somatic disorders, and differential diagnosis
- Specific conditions: Somatic Symptom Disorder and Conversion Disorder
As per the OPQ’s interpretation of Bill 21 and of the hours and credits required by domain, participants may expect to invest 2 hours of personal work for each hour spent “in class” (online) for readings, course preparation, studying and the assignment(s) or examination(s).
As per the regulations of the Order of Psychologists of Quebec, this course involves completing two exams, one mid-way through the course and another at the end of the course.
This course is graded as Pass/Fail.
Important information
Medipsy is recognized by Revenu Quebec as an educational institution making our courses tax-deductible. Our accreditation number is 16-07-3871
The registration fee includes all applicable taxes.
Our GST number is 82873 880 RT0001
Our PST number is 1218616310
Refunds are not possible, unfortunately, because of the agreement with our online platform provider.
I hope you have fun going through this course. If you have any questions, please email me at drapeau@medipsy.ca
Dr. Martin Drapeau, Ph.D., clinical psychologist
A number of documents are available to you in each lesson taken online. In addition to those documents, you may wish to consider the following documents and resources:
Ader, R. (2001). Psychoneuroimmunology. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 10 (3),
Bachen, E., Cohen, S., & Marsland, L. A. Psychoimmunology. Psychological Foundations. (35-39).
Bunnet, G., Li., J., Walsh, D., Stein, R., Vawter, M., Cartagena, P., Barchas, J., Schatzberg, A.,
Myers, R., Watson, S., Akil, H., & Bunney W. (2015) Circadian dysregulation of clock
genes: clues to rapid treatment in major depressive disorder. Molecular Psychiatry, 20,
48-55. doi:10.1038/mp.2014.138.
Cacioppo, J., Tassinary, G. L., & Berntson, G. G. (2007). The Handbook of Psychophysiology.
(3 ed.). New York. Cambridge Press.
Carver, S. C., & Vargas, S. (2011). Stress, coping and health. Handbook of Health Psychology.
1-53. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195342819.013.0008.
Contrada, J. R., & Goyal, M. T. (2008). The SAGE Handbook of Psychology. Individual
differences, health and illness: the role of emotional traits and generalized expectancies.
143-168. London, SAGE publications.
Dougall, L. A., & Baum, A. (2011). Stress, health, and illness. Handbook of Health Psychology,
2, 53-78. DOI: 10.4324/9780203804100.
Fava, A. G., & Sonino N. (2010). Psychosomatic medicine. International Journal of Clinical
Practice, 64, 999-1001.
Franken, P., Kopp, C., Landolt, HP., & Luthi, A. (2009). The functions of sleep. European
Journal of Neuroscience. 29, 1739-1740. DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2009.06746.x.
Friedman, S. H. (2011). Personality, disease and self-healing. The Oxford Handbook of Health
Psychology. 1-49. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195342819.013.0010.
Gatchel, J. R., Peng, B. Y., Peters, L. M., Fuchs, N. P., & Turk, C. D. (2007). The
biopsychosocial approach to chronic pain: Scientific advances and future direction.
Psychological Bulletin, 133(4). 581-624. DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.133.4.581.
Groot, M., Golden, H. S., & Wagner, J. (2016). Psychological conditions in adults with diabetes.
American Psychologist. 71(7), 552- 562. DOI: 10.1037/a0040408.
Hall, A. J., & Roter, L. D. (2011). Physician-patient communication. The Oxford Handbook of
Health Psychology. 1-56. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195342819.013.0014.
Hurwitz, A. T (2003). Somatization and Conversion Disorders. Canadian Journal Psychiatry.
49(3), 72-178.
Jaremka, M. L., Lindgren, E. M., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. (2013). Synergistic relationships among
stress, depression, and troubled relationships: insights from psychoneuroimmunology. Depression and Anxiety. 30, 288-296.
Kemeny, E. M. (2011). Psychoneuroimmunology. The Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology.
1-45. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195342819.013.0007.
Korsbek, L. (2013). Illness insight and recovery: How important is illness insight in the recovery
process. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 36(3), 222-225. DOI: 10.1037/prj0000018.
Kroneke, K., et al. Cognitive-behavioural therapy for somatization and symptoms syndromes: A
critical review of controlled clinical trials. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic 69, 4, 205-215.
Lenventhal, H., Halm, E., Horowitz, C., & Leventhal, A. E. (2008) The SAGE handbook of
Health Psychology. Living with chronic illness: A contextualized, self-regulation
approach. 197-240. London. SAGE publications.
Lipowski, J. Z. (1983). Psychosocial reactions to physical illness. Can Med Assoc J. 128. 1069-
Livneh, H. (2001). Psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and disability. Rehabilitation
Counseling Bulletin. 44(3). 151-160.
Malcarne, L. V. (2011). Coping with Cancer. The Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology. 1-
42. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195342819.013.0017.
Motivala, J. S., & Irwin, R. M. (2007). Sleep and Immunity. Association for Psychological
Science, 16(1). 21- 25
Nemeroff, B. C. (2013). Psychoneuroimmunendocrinology: The biological basis of mind-body
physiology and pathophysiology. (2013). Depression and Anxiety. 30. 285-287. DOI:
Nicholas, R. D., & Veach, A. T. (2000). The psychosocial assessment of the adult cancer patient.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 31(2), 206-215. DOI: 10.1037//0735-
Noorazar, G. S., Ranjbar, F., Nemati, N., Yasamineh, N., & Kalejahi, (2015). Relationship
between severity of depression symptoms and iron deficiency anemia in woman with
major depressive disorder. J Anal Res Clin Med. 3(4), 219-224 DOI: 10.15171/jarmcm.2015.034.
Ogden, J. (2004). Health Psychology: A Textbook. (3 ed.). 1-504. New York, NY. Open
University Press.
Presenton, D. J., O’Neal, H. J., & Talaga, C. M. (2017). Handbook of Clinical
Psychopharmacology for Therapist. (8 ed.), Oakland, CA. New Harbinger
Prior, N. K., & Bond, J. M (2013). Somatic symptom disorder and illness behaviour: current
perspectives. International Review of Psychiatry. 25(1). 5-18. DOI:
Quigley, N., Green, F, J., Norgan, D., Idzikowski, C., & King, J. D. (2000). The effect of sleep
deprivation on memory and psychomotor function in healthy volunteers. Human
Psychopharmacology. 15. 171-177.
Saxvig, W. I., Lundervold, J. A., Gronli, J., Ursin, R., Brorvatn, B., & Portas, C. (2008). The effect of a REM sleep deprivation procedure on different aspects of memory function in humans. Psychophysiology, 45. 309-317. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2007.00623.x.
Santon, L. A., & Revenson, A. T. (2011). Adjustment to chronic disease: Progress and promise
in research. The Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology. 1-56. DOI:
Santon, L. A., Rowland, H. J., & Ganz (2015). Life after diagnosis and treatment of cancer in
adulthood. American Psychologist, 70(2), 159-174. DOI: 10.1037/a0037875.
Silver, R., & Kriegsfeld, J. L. (2014). Circadian rhythms have broad implications for
understanding brain and behaviour. European Journal of Neuroscience. 39, 1866-1880.
DOI: 10.1111/ejn.12593.
Soldatos, R. C., & Paparrigopoulos, J. T. (2005). Sleep physiology and pathology: Pertinence to
psychiatry, International Review of Psychiatry, 17(4), 213-228. DOI:
Steptoe, A. (2008). The SAGE Handbook of Health Psychology. Stress, health and illness. 169-
196. London. SAGE publications.
Swanson, A. D (1981). The Munchausen Syndrome. American Journal of Psychotherapy 35.
436- 444.
Taylor, E. S. (2011). Social Support: A review. The Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology. 1-
50. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195342819.013.0009.
Thorn, E. B., & Walker, B. B. (2011). Chronic Pain: Closing the gap between evidence and
practice. The Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology. 1-38. DOI:
Udelman, D. H., & Udelman, L D. (1983). Current explorations in psychoimmunology.
American Journal of Psychotherapy, 27 (2). 210- 221.
Wiedermann, J. C., & Wiedermann, M. (1988). Psychoimmunology: Systems medicine at the molecular level. Family Systems Medicine, 6(1) 94- 106.
Weinberg, K. M., Noble, M. J., & Hammond, G. T. (2016). Sleep well feel well: An
investigation into the protective value of sleep quality on subjective well-being. Australian Journal of Psychology, 68, 91-97. DOI: 10.1111/ajpy.12098.
Weiner, I. B., & Craighead, E. W. (2009). Conversion disorder. The Corsini Encyclopaedia of
Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Weiner, I. B., & Craighead, E. W. (2009). Health Psychology. The Corsini Encyclopaedia of
Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Weiner, I. B., & Craighead, E. W. (2009). Somatization disorder. The Corsini Encyclopaedia of
Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Weiner, I. B., & Craighead, E. W. (2009). Personality and Illness. The Corsini Encyclopaedia of
Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Zachariae, R. (2009). Psychoneuroimmunology: A bio-psycho-social approach to health and
disease. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 50, 645-651. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-
The course outline
If you wish to download the course outline and send it to the Order of psychologists of Quebec or to your regulatory body for approval, you can download it from our website.
15 Lessons

Chapter 1: Fundamental Concepts in Health and Medical Psychology
An evolving area to understand the relationship between mind and body

Chapter 2: Psychological Reactions to Physical Illnesses
Psychological reactions to physical illnesses and medical diseases and how these medical illnesses affects our psychological health.

Chapter 2: Psychological Reactions to Physical Illnesses

Chapter 2: Psychological Reactions to Physical Illnesses

Chapter 3: Stress

Chapter 3: Stress

Chapter 4: Sleep

Chapter 4: Sleep

Your first test: Quizzz time!

Chapter 5: Physiological Symptoms in Common Mental Disorders

Chapter 6: Mental Disorders and Psychological Symptoms Caused by Somatic Disorders

Chapter 7: Somatic Symptom Disorder, Conversion Disorder, Munchhaussen Syndrome
In this section we will discuss three common disorders that deal with health and psychology. Somatic symptoms, conversion disorder and Munchausen syndrome

It's that time again...your second (and final!) test

Congratulations!!! You did it!!!