PART 1 - Psychotherapy: the legal and organizational aspects of practice (25 hours)
So you are looking for a course on the legal and organizational aspects of psychotherapy because you are hoping to obtain your psychotherapy permit and practice psychotherapy in Quebec? Well you've come to the right place! (You can find the outline for this course on the Medipsy website or scroll down to see what it covers).
But just to be sure, read what follows carefully...
· If you plan to apply for a psychotherapy permit as per Bill 21 in order to practice psychotherapy in Quebec, then you are in the RIGHT place! This course was designed specifically for you.
· If you do not plan on applying for a psychotherapy permit to practice in Quebec, then you are NOT in the right place. This course was not designed for you. That said, if you are interested in learning about specific issues related to the practice of psychotherapy, you will be glad to know that Medipsy offers many courses that you may find of interest. Please visit the online training webpage for more information.
So while this course is open to anyone, it was really designed for professionals and professionals-in-training who are working toward meeting the requirements of Bill 21 for the practice of psychotherapy. As you surely know, a Bill was passed in Quebec to regulate the practice of psychotherapy. This Bill, often referred to as Bill 21, states that to practice psychotherapy in Quebec, psychotherapists must meet a number of very specific requirements. One of these requirements is to complete 50 hours of training in a domain that Bill 21 refers to as the "legal and organizational aspects of psychotherapy". That is precisely what this course is all about!
If you have started to look into the training requirements as per Bill 21 (and surely, you have!), you probably know that you are required to complete a total of 50 hours of training in the "legal and organizational aspects of psychotherapy". Because some of you may have completed some training in this domain already, we decided to divide the mandatory 50 hours into two courses: Part 1 and Part 2. What that means is that if you only need some hours of training in the legal and organizational domain, then you could get away with taking only one course. It's up to you to decide which one to take (Part 1 or Part 2—don't forget you are now on the landing page of Part 1 of the course!). If on the other hand, you need all 50 hours in the legal and organizational domain, then you will need to take both Part 1 and Part 2 of this course. It's up to you!
Will this course count for my psychotherapy permit?
Now as you read these lines, you are probably wondering this: will this course be recognized by the Order of Psychologists of Quebec (OPQ)? Will it really count and get me one step closer to meeting the OPQ's (and Bill 21's) requirements for the psychotherapy permit?
The answer is YES! We've run this course by the OPQ to make sure we meet all their requirements.
What will this course cover?
This course will focus on the following topics:
- Bill 21 as it relates to the practice of psychotherapy: the Trudeau report (aims, development process, what it changed in the mental health landscape, strengths and weaknesses); definition of psychotherapy and of related activities; requirements for theoretical and clinical training; interpreting the Bill; strengths and weaknesses of the Bill; basic training and
- Continuing education; obligations for clinicians; how the public is or is not protected; other activities covered by the Bill; etc.
- Legal aspects of practice (psychotherapy and the law): laws and diverse regulations that have an effect on your practice (e.g. youth protection, etc.); etc.
- The professional system in Quebec—legal and professional considerations: understanding the professional system in Quebec; what is an Order?; what does and can an Order do and what does it not or can it not do?; how to defend yourself, your rights and obligations when a complaint is filed against you; the complaint process; the Office des Professions and the Code; professional inspection, and other committees within an Order; what is an association?: differences between an order and an association; etc.
- The health system in Quebec: who’s who?; the organization of health services; stepped care; hierarchical models of care; strategic action plans; resources for practitioners and clients; etc.
Just to be crystal clear.... who is this course for again?
You may be thinking about taking this course for one of two reasons:
· The first reason may be to simply update your knowledge on the legal and organizational aspects of setting up and running a psychotherapy practice, and therefore has nothing to do with Bill 21 and practicing psychotherapy in Quebec. If that is the case, keep in mind that it is your responsibility to make sure that the course meets the requirements of your regulatory body or licensing board (for example, as per your personal development plan). Furthermore, you should also keep in mind that this course was not designed with you in mind. If you would like to learn about specific topics covered in this course, then visit our landing page or go to www.medipsy.ca and click on "training" at the very top to take a look at what online and in-person training we offer; we have many workshops that you may find relevant.
· The second reason may be to meet the requirements for licensing as a psychotherapist in Quebec. This course is definitely for you!
About the registration fee and refunds
Medipsy is recognized by Revenu Quebec as an educational institution making our courses tax-deductible. Our accreditation number is 16-07-3871
The registration fee includes all applicable taxes.
Our GST number is 82873 880 RT0001
Our PST number is 1218616310
Refunds are not possible, unfortunately, because of the agreement with our online platform provider.
I hope you have fun going through this course. If you have any questions, please email me at drapeau@medipsy.ca
Dr. Martin Drapeau, Ph.D., clinical psychologist
42 Lessons
A quick intro to this course

Introduction to the course

About the lecturer
Martin Drapeau

The content and the structure of this course

The practice of psychotherapy in Quebec

The infamous Bill 21: the history

The infamous Bill 21: the history

The infamous Bill 21: where to start

How Bill 21 defines psychotherapy

How Bill 21 defines psychotherapy

The training required by Bill 21

What is a grand father clause?
Some of us were luckier than others!

Using your psychotherapist title

Continuing education: a requirement of Bill 21

Continuing education: a requirement of Bill 21

Continuing education: a requirement of Bill 21

Continuing education: a requirement of Bill 21

Other activities reserved by Bill 21

Other activities reserved by Bill 21

Other activities reserved by Bill 21

Other things the Bill did

Questions and answers about Bill 21 (and other random questions)

Bill 21: final thoughts
Stay up to date!

Things to read
Your first test

Quizzzz time!
The professional system in Quebec


The basic difference between an order and an association

Quebec's professional system

Quebec's professional system

Quebec's professional system

A few final thoughts
Psychotherapy and the law

Important regulations and laws

A few things to keep in mind

Is that it?
The Quebec health system

The Quebec health system
Checklist: are you really done?

Take a look to be sure
Your second (and last) test

Just how much did you learn? Yep, another quiz!

You did it!
A few more things to keep in mind

How to choose courses for psychotherapy training and meet the requirements of Bill 21

Applying for your psychotherapy permit
Important documents

Hold on to these!
What next?