Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
So you are looking for a course on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? Well you've come to the right place! (You can find the outline for this course here or scroll down to see what it covers). It is available entirely online; as such you can complete it wherever and whenever you want.
If you don't plan on practicing in Quebec and just want to learn about CBT, then guess what... you are in the right place!
If, on the other hand, you plan to apply for a psychotherapy permit as per Bill 21 in order to practice psychotherapy in Quebec, then you are also in the right place, as this course was designed specifically for you (we had this course pre-approved by the Order of psychologists of Quebec and you're good to go!).
This course is open to anyone wanting to learn about CBT, including those who are working toward meeting the requirements of Bill 21 for the practice of psychotherapy. As you surely know, a Bill was passed in Quebec to regulate the practice of psychotherapy. This Bill, often referred to as Bill 21, states that to practice psychotherapy in Quebec, psychotherapists must meet a number of very specific requirements. One of these requirements is to complete 45 hours of training in a domain related to each of the following four recognized modalities: 1. dynamic, 2. cognitive behavioural, 3. systemic, and 4. humanistic (you can also visit our website to see what is involved in applying for your psychotherapy permit, under the section entitled "Basic Training in Psychotherapy (Bill 21)").
You need 45 hours of training, considered the introductory training, for each of the 4 theoretical models. This course is precisely that, for CBT (once you've done the basic training on each model, you will also need to do an additional 90 hours of specialization in one of the four models).
Medipsy is recognized by Revenu Quebec as an educational institution making our courses tax-deductible. Our accreditation number is 16-07-3871
The registration fee includes all applicable taxes.
Our GST number is 82873 880 RT0001
Our PST number is 1218616310
Refunds are not possible, unfortunately, because of the agreement with our online platform provider.
I hope you have fun going through this course. If you have any questions, please email me at drapeau@medipsy.ca
Dr. Martin Drapeau, Ph.D., psychologist
45 Lessons

A quick intro to this course

About the lecturer


Let's get started
The history of CBT

A bit of history
Basic constructs and principles

What is CBT anyway?

CBT: an intro to the theory

Cognitive errors

Maladaptive behaviours


Emotional dysregulation

The cognitive triad
CBT in action


Ten basic clinical principles

An overview of treatment

An overview of treatment

An overview of treatment

Case conceptualization

The different sessions

The cognitive behavioral therapist
Your first test

Halfway there!
CBT interventions and techniques

Important techniques

Socratic questioning

Guided discovery

Cognitive restructuring

Working on automatic thoughts

Guided imagery

Thought records

Attending (or emphasizing) the positive


The ABC technique

Behavioural experiment

Homework / action plans



Behavioural activation


Booster sessions
The effects of CBT

Outcome research

Outcome research

CBT and practice guidelines
Third wave CBT... a glimpse

A word about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Your last test

Almost done!
More resources, tools and scales

A few other tools, manuals and handouts
What's next for you?