Advanced Course in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Are you looking for an advanced course on cognitive behavioral therapy? Then you've come to the right place! (You can find the outline for this course on the here or scroll down to see what it covers).

This course was designed specifically for anyone who plans to apply for a psychotherapy permit as per Bill 21, in order to practice psychotherapy in Quebec (we had this course pre-approved by the Order of psychologists of Quebec). If on the other hand you don't plan on practicing in Quebec and just want to learn about psychodynamic psychotherapy, then guess what... you are also in the right place!

This course is open to anyone wanting to learn about advanced cognitive behavioral therapy. It is available entirely online; as such you can complete it wherever and whenever you want. If you are in Quebec, you surely know that a Bill was passed to regulate the practice of psychotherapy. This Bill, often referred to as Bill 21, states that to practice psychotherapy in Quebec, psychotherapists must meet a number of very specific requirements. One of these requirements is to complete 45 hours of training in a domain related to each of the following four recognized modalities: 1. psychodynamic, 2. cognitive behavioral, 3. systemic, and 4. humanistic.

You will need to do an additional 90 hours of specialization in one of the four models.

This course provides you with a total of 46 hours.

Medipsy is recognized by Revenu Quebec as an educational institution making our courses tax-deductible. Our accreditation number is 16-07-3871

The registration fee includes all applicable taxes.
Our GST number is 82873 880 RT0001
Our PST number is 1218616310


274 Lessons

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Initial introduction

What this course will cover

About the course presenter

Module 1: Depression and related difficulties

Introduction to Module 1

Mastering CBT for depression: A clinician's guide

Summary and learning objectives


Introduction to major depressive disorder and other depressive disorders

Understanding the dimensions of major depressive disorder

Why CBT?


Risk assessment and management

Case conceptualization

CBT treatment components and session structure


Cognitive interventions

Identifying distorted thoughts

Identifying maladaptive schemas

Cognitive restructuring

Examples of cognitive restructuring

Additional cognitive strategies

Introduction to behavioural interventions

Activity scheduling 1: Lifestyle adjustments

Activity scheduling 2: Overcoming inactivity

Activity scheduling 3: Mindful awareness and values-based goals

Additional skills training

Relaxation training and emotional awareness

Specifiers and other considerations

Relapse prevention and termination


Effective solutions for insomnia disorder and major depression: Integrating Cognitive Behavioural Insomnia Therapy with CBT for depression

Summary and learning objectives


Reasons to use CBT for insomnia

What is insomnia?

How to assess insomnia

The Epworth sleepiness scale

Sleep apnea


Homeostatic mechanism

Body clock essentials

What causes chronic insomnia?

Homeostatic perpetuating factors

Process C-Circadian perpetuating factors

The arousal system

Stimulus control

Why people can't get up at the designated rise time

People who don't feel like getting up in the morning

Bed as an escape

Sleep restriction therapy

Determine time in bed window

Combined SRT-stimulus control summary

Sleep hygiene

Buffer zone

Processing strategies

Two basic core beliefs

An experiment

Session outline

Treat depression, insomnia, or both

Combined psychoeducation

A study about people with depression and insomnia


The people who can't do it because they feel too tired

Case study




Module 2: Anxiety-related difficulties

Introduction to Module 2

Mastering CBT for GAD: A clinician's guide

Summary and learning objectives


Worry, fear, and anxiety

Understanding GAD: Prevalence, onset, and key factors

Maintaining factors, impact, and comorbidities

CBT and medication

Differential diagnosis

Assessment instruments

CBT model and treatment components


Symptom monitoring

Anxiety management and attention control training

Additional strategies

Interventions for current problems

Interventions for hypothetical worries

Identifying cognitive distortions

Identifying schemas

Example: Challenging positive beliefs about worry

Example: Challenging negative beliefs about worry

Identifying safety behaviours

Identifying exposure situations

In-vivo exposure

Additional considerations for in-vivo exposure

Additional behavioural interventions

Additional skills training and values-based goals

Long-term management of GAD, relapse prevention, and termination

Case example


Mastering CBT for PTSD: A clinician's guide

Summary and learning objectives


What is trauma?

Vulnerability factors

Why CBT?

Session structure


CBT case conceptualization


Common concerns

Safety and stabilization

Standard anxiety management strategies

Two levels of cognitions

Identify cognitive distortions

Cognitive interventions

Identify schemas

Exposure interventions

Create an exposure hierarchy

In-vivo exposure intervention

Imaginal exposure part 1

Imaginal exposure part 2

Virtual reality and interoceptive exposure

Special consideration: Traumatic bereavement

Terminating treatment


Effective exposure therapy for children and adolescents: Do’s and don’t

Summary and learning objectives


Exposure: A bit of background

Questions and answers

Building a fear ladder

Building a fear ladder part 2

Anxiety: A bit of psychoeducation

Exposure: The basics

How exposure works


Troubleshooting part 1

Troubleshooting part 2

Troubleshooting part 3

Trauma part 1

Trauma part 2

Panic disorder


Working with the caregiver

Supporting exposure at home

Special cases

The first exam

Exam 1

Module 3: Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Introduction to Module 3

Mastering CBT for OCD: A clinician's guide

Summary and learning objectives


What are obsessions?

What are compulsions?

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

Prevalence and vulnerability factors


OCD-related disorders

Differential diagnoses

Assessment instruments

Risk to self and others

Family accommodation

CBT model of OCD

Providing psychoeducation for CBT treatment

Identify distortions

Interventions to challenge the distortions

Some strategies for common distortions

Exposure and response prevention

Imaginal exposure

In-vivo exposure

In-vivo exposure examples

Treatment interfering conditions and family participation

Accommodation behaviours and end of treatment

Final case example


Psychological treatment of OCD: Best practices and recent advances

Summary and learning objectives


Overview of OCD

Problems that are not classified as OCD-related

Other features of OCD


Gender, culture, and other factors

Etiology of OCD

Cognitive model of OCD

Factors in OCD

Assessment of OCD

Psychological treatment of OCD

Presenting the treatment

Exposure to fear

Safety behaviours

Variability and retrieval cues

Other recommendations

Imaginal exposure

Ritual prevention

Respond to request for reassurance

Sample treatment plans


Module 4: Other conditions, populations, and special topics in CBT

Introduction to Module 4

Mastering CBT for ADHD: A clinician's guide

Summary and learning objectives


What is ADHD?

ADHD specifiers

ADHD and executive functions

Vulnerability factors


Comorbidity and differential diagnosis

Functional consequences

Pharmacological treatment

Effectiveness of CBT for ADHD

Assessment of ADHD

Clinical practice guidelines for ADHD

CBT model of ADHD

Treatment components and session structure

CBT case conceptualization

Psychoeducation and goal setting

Enhancing motivation

Optional information session with a loved one


Planning and prioritizing

Addressing distractibility

Attention and mindfulness

Cognitive interventions


Relapse prevention

CBT for personality disorders

Summary and learning objectives


Effects of labeling

Who are complex cases?

Characteristics and classification of personality disorders

How much is personality disorder an issue?

Historical development of personality disorder theories

Optimal conditions for CBT

CBT with complex cases

Exercise: Therapist cognitions

Cognitive model of personality disorders

Case conceptualization

Case conceptualization assignment

Treatment guidelines

Identifying core beliefs

Modifying core beliefs

Schema therapy

Outcomes and effectiveness

Histrionic personality disorder

Histrionic personality disorder therapy targets

Narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder therapy targets

Borderline personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder therapy targets

Avoidant personality disorder

Avoidant personality disorder therapy targets

Dependent personality disorder

Dependent personality disorder therapy targets

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder therapy targets

Schizoid personality disorder

Schizoid personality disorder therapy targets

DBT-informed treatment of bipolar disorder

Summary and learning objectives


Bipolar disorder (BD) basics and the difference between mania and hypomania

Important information about BD and the difference between BD 1 and BD 2

Mixed episodes and rapid cycling

Psychosis and the relationship between misdiagnosis and race

Causes of BD, comorbidities, and acute suicidality

Pharmacotherapy for BD

Treatments for BD

Van Dijk's history with dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and the basics of DBT

Assessment and psychoeducation

Monitoring: Life chart, mood chart, and tracking sheet

Mood symptoms worksheet and being aware of stigmas

Biosocial theory

Dialectical philosophy and behavioural analysis

TIPP skills

DBT and mindfulness skills

The rational, emotional, and wise mind

The strong skills

Practicing being in a nonjudgmental stance

The basics of radical acceptance

Self-validation and opposite action

Opposite action part 2

Crisis survival skills

Group and individual DBT sessions

The second exam

Exam 2


Final words